What is the Companion Flag?

How are We Involved?

The Companion Flag is a symbol representing the essential identity of all human beings. It stands for everything that is done, held, known, or experienced in common by human beings, notwithstanding their differences. A simple, unpretentious white flag with a band of color across the top, it is a gift from humanity to itself, to its children, and to all future generations.

The Companion Flag is meant to be displayed throughout the world with the flags of every nation, state, province, city, club, organization, etc. Like those colorful and distinctive banners, the Companion Flag will become a visible part of the backdrop of our lives -- whoever we are, and wherever we may live, or travel, on the face of the earth.

Learn more about the Companion Flag at this site:



We are supporting the Companion Flag by acting as Companion Flag Ambassadors. While travelling around the world, we will introduce the Flag to people we encounter in an effort to promote awareness and recognition.

In addition, we will be visiting a few schools in different countries that have been previously contacted by Companion Flag Support International. We're looking forward to interactions with teachers and children in these various schools, and will try to encourage them to think about what we all have in common.

While on the road, we will be posting updates online whenever we can secure an Internet connection. Check our Scrapbook here, as well as the official Companion Flag website.


© 2003-2004 Winston & Jennifer Yeung. All Rights Reserved.