Companion Flag Ambassador Scrapbook


We have had dozens of interactions with people about the Companion Flag, and people in all the countries we have visited have invariably been understanding and enthusiastic about its message and meaning. We have passed out many Companion Flag cards and pins, and look forward to sharing the idea with more people as we continue to travel. Here are just a few of the highlights.

June 10 - Visit with Newport Heights Elementary School in Bellevue, WA
June 12 - Visit with Sawyer Woods Elementary School in Kent, WA
July 20 - Discussion with Amos, one of the tour organizers at Sagawa Tours in Nairobi, Kenya. He later starts some Companion Flag work in Nairobi.
Aug 1 - Discussing the Companion Flag at the Youth Hostel in Madrid with a number of guests from various different countries.
Aug 31 - Discussion with Mouna and her mother, who live in Tangier, Morocco. Our chat was all in French, with a good dose of sign language and hand gestures as well!
Sept 3 - Discussion in French about the Companion Flag with fellow passengers on train from Meknes to Rabat, Morocco. As my friend summarized succinctly, "Le Drapeau Compagnon est un symbole pour tout le monde."

Sept 23 - Visit with George Schinas Primary School in Luqa, Malta. One of the biggest Companion Flag highlights so far, we were joined by Scott and Rochelle in Malta for a presentation to the students and staff of George Schinas Primary School, who are now flying the Companion Flag proudly in their courtyard. For more pictures and description of our Maltese Companion Flag experience, click here.

Oct 31 - Discussion about the purpose of the Companion Flag with fellow travellers on our guesthouse rooftop at Mt. Abu, India. Discussion about the challenges that some local Indian schools face.
Nov 1 - Mt. Abu: our Italian friend Isabella volunteers to translate Companion Flag website into Italian after learning about
Nov 9 - Explanation of the Companion Flag to our Indian friend Mukesh on bus to Khajuraho. He tries to present it to his teacher at school.
Nov 24 - We present Companion Flag pins to our tourmates in Nepal, some of whom follow up with further questions later on.
Dec 5 - We talk about the Companion Flag to our guide Sonam, who believes that Bhutanese schools might have difficulty adopting the Flag due to isolation from schools in other countries.
Dec 26 - We talk to three JET's (Japan Exchange Teachers) about the Companion Flag, who later present it to their respective schools back in Chiba. Ange, Lindsay, and Natalie soon become Companion Flag ambassadors.
Dec 28 - Discuss potential mention of the Companion Flag in a New Zealand publication called Education Today, edited by Jenny Jones, one of our Laos tourmates.
Feb 19 - Jen's friend Lynette checks into her children's school potentially adopting the Companion Flag in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Apr 30 - Visit with Willow Park Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand. Our second successful school adoption of the Companion Flag on this trip, this visit really made our day. Not only is Willow Park the first school in New Zealand to be flying the Companion Flag, but they had prepared a few songs and a wonderful performance that explained the concept of the Companion Flag to the student body. It was a fantastic experience for us. See more on Willow Park's adoption of the Companion Flag here.

Jun 6 - Visit with the Primary School in Ollantaytambo, Peru, who also adopted the Companion Flag. Assisted by local volunteer Kenner, Companion Flag founder Scott Wyatt and Winston presented a gift of the Peruvian Companion Flag to the students in a ceremony translated by the School Director. The flag is to be hoisted along with the Peruvian flag each week at the Monday morning assembly. This is now the first Companion Flag to fly in South America.

See more on Ollantay here!


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